Saturday, June 8, 2013

New App: Gratitude Journal 365 lite

Hey everyone! I was recently watching a YouTube video and she was talking about a app that she uses. The app is called Gratitude Journal 365. The app allows you to add all the good things that happened to you that day. This can be via picture or something you type in list form. I just had to download the app when I found out about it! I must say that I LOVE this app! It is so great for making out look at the things that DID go right throughout the day. You guys should totally check it out! The lite version is 100% free!

Video mentioned: Missglamorazzi Me Without Makeup!

Time when she begins talking about app: 11:40ish (Please watch the whole video though! It is truly inspiring!)

App name: Gratitude Journal 365 lite - A Diary For Your Happiness
 by: Benjamin Hsu

                -Holly :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Movies!

Hey everyone! Today's post will be about all the movies coming out this summer season that I can't wait to see! Some of the movies that I am about to mention are already out but I would still like to see them while in theaters! I will try and list the name of the movie and release date.
(movies are in no particular order)

1. The Wolverine: July 26
2. The World's End: Aug 23
3. The Purge: May 31
4. Now You See Me: May 31
5. The Lone Ranger: July 3
6. Elysium: Aug 9
7. The Way Way Back: July 5
8. Hangover Part 3: May 24
9. R. I. P. D.: July 19
10. Despicable Me 2: July 3
11. Before Midnight: May 24
12. After Earth: May 31
13. We're the Millers: Aug 9
14. 2 Guns: Aug 2
15. The Bling Ring: June 14
16. White House Down: June 28
17. The Internship: June 7
18. Pacific Rim: July 12
19: Iron Man 3: May 3
20. Kick Ass 2: Aug 16
21. Man of Steel: June 14
22. Star Trek into the Darkness: May 17
23. Monster's University: June 21
24. This is the End: June 21
25. The Heat: June 28

My must see movie pick: The Great Gatsby. Seriously, such a good movie! I saw it twice!
                                                                                      -Holly :)

Amazing Website Find #1. (Disney Recipes)

Hey everyone! I just found (on Pinterest) the most amazing website EVER. It is a website with ALL DISNEY RECIPES! Say whaaaaat? So, if you are a Disney fanatic like me, then you will LOVE this website! Be sure to check it out! :)

Happy cooking!
                     -Holly :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Quote of the Day #1 "Salvation is a posture not a prayer."

Hey y'all! Last night my best friend and I were having a conversation about how girls in our grade like to party on Saturday night and then go to church Sunday morning as if nothing happened. These are the same girls that have bible verses on their Facebook status, but a red solo cup as their profile picture. Do you see the difference between the two? My best friend told me a quote that her youth minister told her.....  
"Salvation is a posture not a prayer."
Now, what he means by this is if you are going to claim Christianity act like it.  Think about it this way... If I sit on a chair, I am putting 100% of my faith in the chair to hold me up, but if I stand near the chair and say, "Chair, please hold me up. Chair, please don't let me fall..." If I'm not sitting in the chair but asking it to hold me up I'm not putting all my faith into the chair. Do y'all see what I mean?
Please don't mistake this as me thinking that I'm perfect because I am SOOO not saying that! I know I am nowhere NEAR being perfect. I had just never heard it explained this way and it really put it into a better perspective.

BUT on a lighter note.... Here is a funny chair comic! :)

Chair Rage

rage comic meme forever alone chair school funny pics pictures pic picture image photo images photos lol 

Thank y'all so much for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
                                                                  - Holly :)

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Friday, May 17, 2013

The Cutest Cat Alive

Oh my goodness... I was browsing on Pinterest the other night and I found a picture of the most adorable cat EVER! I just... Oh my... It's so... CUTE. I'm literally speechless. 

Is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen? I'm in love you guys. That cat deserves an award or something... Okay, I'm obsessing now... 
Thank y'all for reading! I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day! Love you all!
                                     - Holly :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day In The Life #1

Hey everyone! I thought it would be cool to do "day in the life" posts... These aren't going to be everything I did that day, but maybe just something that happened that day that I want to talk about. I'll just post these whenever something eventful happens. I'll try my best to keep them numbered that way they are easy to keep up with! :)

Okay, now lets get down to bid-ness. Today my father is making me go with him to do some maintenance on my car. (the usual... rotating tires... oil change... those types of things) I'm only human, so I'm DREADING having to go. Why is he making me do this you might ask? He told me that one day I'll have to do this for myself and I need to learn now. I think the real reason he is making me go is because he doesn't want to go along.... men. bless their hearts. I digress though. The real reason on why I'm sharing this with all of you is because my dad did something really great that earned him some brownie points. After I got done pretending I was sick, my dad told me that he would take me shopping if I went. How sweet is that? I know stuff isn't everything and it only brings temporary happiness BUT STILL. I'm pretty sure that most fathers cower at the though of taking their teen daughters shopping. Fellas, what he did was noble. I'm sure he and his wallet will suffer... To any dads reading this (which I highly doubt..) taking your daughter shopping will really get you on their good side... just a tip. :)
                             - Holly :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Kitten With Too Many Names

Hey y'all! As I mentioned in my last post, I want to own a Ragdoll kitten someday. I though it would be a really fun post if I listed all the names I would want to name it! Just in case you don't know what a Ragdoll kitten looks like here is a picture! :)

WANT! Someday I will have a beauty like this with some weird name to call my own.:)
Im thinking simething like Cleocatra, Ms (or Mr) Fancy Pants, Meredith, or my personal favorite Eugene.
One day friend&#8230; One day.                                                                                    
Cutest thing ever right? Right.
 So, without further ado here are all the names! 
- Cleocatra
- Mr. (or Ms.) Fancy Pants
- Meredith
- Eugene
- Marie

Not a lot.. I know. I can already see it though. Whenever I live in Paris, I will have little Marie to keep me company. One day friend.. One day.
                                                                  - Holly :)

50 Random Facts About Me

Hey everyone! It's about to be summer, and I thought this would be a great new hobby to pick up! I honestly don't exactly know what I'm going to write about on this blog. The topics I had in mind are quite different, but I think will still be useful and fun to write about. In honor of this being my first post, I'm going to tell you 50 random facts about me! Hopefully this will help you get to know me better. :)
1. My favorite movie is Finding Nemo.
2. I have a dog named Nemo.
3. My car's name is Diana.
4. I LOVE to talk.
5. I really enjoy reading as well.
6. Audrey Hepburn is my idol. 
7. Zac Efron is my man.
8. I find a lot of comfort in knowing that God has a special plan for me.
9. Sleeping is my passion.
10. I'm allergic to Nutella.
11. I watch YouTube like it's tv.
12. I'm OBSESSED with the Office. (US version)
13. I love corny jokes/pickup lines.
14. Making lists calms me.
15. I am currently reading The Scarlet Letter.
16. My favorite book is The Help.
17. Shopping is my sport.
18. Glitter is my thang.
19. Lilly Pulitzer is my love.
20. I want to name my daughter Louise Elle.
21. I want to name my son Levi Scott.
22. I have a deathly fear of spiders... Or any bug in general.
23. My favorite color is pink.
24. My favorite number is 24
25. Pinterest is my addiction.
26. If I could choose any celebrity to be my best friend, I would choose Taylor Swift in a Georgia split second.
27. I'm a southern gal.
28. I worry about everything.
29. I'm a movie junkie.
30. I want a Ragdoll kitten so bad that it's probably unhealthy.
31. Laughter is my favorite medicine.
32. I say the sassiest things in my head, but I would never dream of saying them to someone's face.
33. I was home-schooled until the 3rd grade.
34. In middle school I owned TWO pairs of Crocs. *cringe*
35. I'm currently in high school.
36. I don't understand Tumblr... like at all.
37. Forever 21 is my downfall.
38. I adore clothes... A lot.
39. I have a lot of pet peeves that I can never remember.
40. Consequently, the fact that I have the worst memory ever is also a really big pet peeve of mine.
41. I am really pale. I feel Snow White's pain.
42. I want to be crafty really bad, but it's not happening anytime soon.
43. I am the only person on the earth that doesn't have an iPhone.
44. I always go to bed really early. This girl does NOT go without sleep.
45. I have a purple unicorn pillow pet, and her name is Aurora. (from sleeping beauty)
46. She was given to me by my best friend on my 15th birthday.
47. I like to be extremely organized.
48. I love meeting new people.
49. I really enjoy being social.
50. I have an irrational fear of needles.
   Thank you SO much for reading and I hope you have a WONDERFUL day! Love y'all!
                                                                                                               -Holly :)