Monday, May 13, 2013

The Kitten With Too Many Names

Hey y'all! As I mentioned in my last post, I want to own a Ragdoll kitten someday. I though it would be a really fun post if I listed all the names I would want to name it! Just in case you don't know what a Ragdoll kitten looks like here is a picture! :)

WANT! Someday I will have a beauty like this with some weird name to call my own.:)
Im thinking simething like Cleocatra, Ms (or Mr) Fancy Pants, Meredith, or my personal favorite Eugene.
One day friend… One day.                                                                                    
Cutest thing ever right? Right.
 So, without further ado here are all the names! 
- Cleocatra
- Mr. (or Ms.) Fancy Pants
- Meredith
- Eugene
- Marie

Not a lot.. I know. I can already see it though. Whenever I live in Paris, I will have little Marie to keep me company. One day friend.. One day.
                                                                  - Holly :)

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